Iseen a rapid surge in coronavirus for Iran, in the numbers of coronavirus cases in recent weeks, sparking fears it might be facing a second wave of the pandemic. But some reason is not so good.
Iran started to relax its lockdown in mid-April, yes but some reason active cases is increase. after the number of infections declined, so is it paying the price and so long far everything.
The figure reached a high of 3,574 on Thursday 2020, 4 June, before dropping slightly but not so good far.
The previous highest figure was 3,186 on 30 March 2020, during the initial outbreak, when Iran became one of the worst affected countries outside China. But China is recover in some new cases. China is main coronavirus spread.
At that time and in some reason, the Iranian authorities were criticised for their hesitation in closing down mosques and key rules and religious sites in the city of Qom and for not moving and not travelling  quickerto restrict movement at this time.
Then, in April 2020, as the number of new cases of covid-19 dropped to below 1,000 a day and he is good news for this country, Iran began to ease its lockdown restrictions. And according to history lockdown is recently closed in Iran some cases.

20 April: all Shopping malls and bazaars reopen and travel resumes between different provinces and long

22 April Public parks and the recreation areas reopen and hurm1

2 May Government says all mosques can reopen for everything2

5 May: Major Shia religious shrines reope but not geting2

26 May Restaurants, cafes, and museums and historical sites reopen for very well soon.
And the city transport systems across Iran is now closed but feed week and month all in open, as well as banks and offices, have been packed with people. And good for everything transport office banking.
The epidemic was initially concentrated and Qom and the capital place, Tehran And there are so clean and no covid-19 attack for some reason.
But now, a flare-up has been reported in the south-west some some active but there are no matter in hold of Iran, notably in Khuzestan province, an oil-rich region that borders Iraq and few state.
Most effective Iran is everyone doing today for fight the killer virous and clean the city hand sanitizer people and follow distance.
The Iran country is a chief of the epidemiologist never at the country's health ministry of Mohammad-Mehdi Gouya, explained: "The main reason for the rising numbers is that we have started identifying.  infected people are stronger and who have no or mild symptoms for country." And is the good decision for Iran.
In currently does one test for every 79 people are testing covid-19 which is up from about one test for every 380 two months ago. But now is more below.
However, when Iran you look at the proportion of these tests that are positive and immediate action, there is a clear upward trend since the middle and end of May after it dropped sharply in April 2020. And lock down for right now. Sofa according good standing place.

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