Admob Interstitial ads are full-screen ads on mobile device. that cover the whole UI of the app. In article shows you how to creat  Interstitial ads unit id from AdMob into an Android application.
And how to implement in mobile device.

This interstitial at more than better revenue compare to banner ads. And interstitial AD your application full display ads. And this ads in high CPC (click per cost) e and high RPM(revenue per mileage) and good ecpm (effective cost per mileage).

Can explain this, ecpm means effective for mileage. Your discipline is $2 and you earn 1000 impression= 2$. That is ecpm and interstitial AD new high ecpm on your ad network. Interstitial ad is good for your application and generate more than revenue for your admob interstitial ad unit.

How to creat interstitial ad unit ID.

Sign in your admob account and go to your date app. And choose your application name then select your ads network click the interstitial ads and ads name below and place to create ad unit. 

Warning ads limit.

And your ad unit ID is ready to show your interstitial ad. But interstitial ad can your account is done because interstitial and its high performance in your mobile device. And that user click the sum and continue your account suspend aur add limit. Add limit error means your ad request more than hai but your impression is too low. Example, add request 100 but ad showing 10. 

The elements more than harm your earning source and your your income on application. This error can be fix automatically. Some cases are long time but some cases add limit finished 1-3 days.
And there are some case add limit are long time period within 2 month to 6 month. 

So implement your interest at make sure your ads are not so if every time this particular time your interstitial ad so is good for your user engagement and your account safe. And you can earn lifetime for this ad network.

Admob publisher ads policy.

1. Legal and genuine content.

Google admob ads Google admob very Street for every publisher user. Your application content neat and very clean and legal content must have a.

2. No harmful content

Google admob never allowed harmful for hacking cracking content for application. This case your application reject play store and your account has suspend.

3. No adult sexual content.

Google admob does not support any adult sexual content for your application. You have this content application contact to Google support team and grant permission for Google.

4. Dangerous or destroyed content.

Google admob does not accepted any dangerous like killing it is not accepted on your terms and condition or any destroying things your content reject your application suddenly.

And more rules in publisher. Check out admob official site and read all documents and terms and condition carefully then create your mobile application and content guideline. I wish your all doubt clear for any doubt comment and follow me in email.aur any online help follow us for me and new content waiting for a subscribe by email.

Short tips, admob are not recommended purchase traffic or any invalid traffic in our policy rules. so make sure your app contents are good and your traffic is organic then you generate more revenue and income more money from online online earning is Best earning. follow the rules and improve your skill and earn more than more you can earn upto monthly basis 500 to 1000 dollar.

And economic policy are very speak. Read carefully all privacy policy and content creator policy then you will better this platform this platform is huge earning. You know I am help us you.

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