pm Narendra modi, has said long gown are extended after 15 July. Because covid-19 active cases are increase more than last month.

Narendra modi has said after 15 June 2020, lockdown extended for 1 month. And he also said the covid-19 increase to India more than after previous month. To lock down our most important for save Indian country and Indian people.

After previous month according the cases is more than increase and more than active cases is open. Some study report the active cases one day at 8000, an Indian coronavirus graph is highly increase. So this many reason lockdown are specially for 1 month and these rules are very strict. Because public no rules follow this lockdown.

Many rules of this lockdown.

After 3 month study the few cases and data collect from all state Indian country are 5th place in the world for covid-19 coronavirus active case. This lock down duration at 1 month.

This one month high alert Indian all state specially red John district and state. Indian red zone district are many. And red zone activity is 200 plus. This is the main reason in lockdown specially 1 month. 

Lockdown are specially Street are many places. Places of Kolkata, howrah, purba bardhaman, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and many places. But lockdown are specially for active cases sites and they are most important for close the various cases. Covid-19 is totally harm Indian all people and all world.

And more details for covid-19 case study Indian public are never seen this before so this is not serious in Indian all public and this is the most reason for increase coronavirus active cases.

New Delhi.

Is India witnessed rapid after 4 month. surge in coronavirus or COVID-19 cases in India. several sosal media reports have claimed that the states with highest number of infections may or jun fast week re-announce lockdown after June 15 2020. Ever this since the government allowed social distancing. economic, religious and sports activities(ipl)  to resume, large number of cases has been detected from various states for covid-19


The Lockdown will not be re-announced for tis state. Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray has told to pm requested and appealed to the people not to crowd. And anywhere and follow the instructions in the given by the government. Chief Minister off Maharashtra clarified yesterday 15 jun.

Tamil Nadu.

Tamil Nadu chief minister K Palaniswami yesterday said that false news was being spread over announcing another shutdown and warned of stern legal action on those spreading such rumours. And I saw that such a message is being covid-19 spade. spread on my name on WhatsApp and social media. We have not the made any such announcement for mideya. Tamil Nadu The government has no such plans for this days. to enforce stricter lockdown measures. The Strict legal action have will be taken against to the those spreading this false and wrong  message. Of the chief minister study told reporters after opening lockdown the shutters of the Mettur dam to facilitate irrigation for main reason.

Of the other hand if, this leader of the Congress in the Lok Sabha india. In Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury had blamed of the Centre’s. abrupt and unprofessional. The lockdown exit strategy for the stop speed and straight and spike in coronavirus numbers across the country of india. Rajan Chowdhury also asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi said to come down of the ,virtual to actual India,  to have a feel of the crisis and safe.

If the Like imposition of lock down again. And exiting strategy was also to the taken in an abrupt and unprofessional manner this lockdown. Of fraught with danger of covid-19. In some news Thus resulting into the alarming spikein the of Corona infection in the country all over wrold. The heading towards catching of the 1st position in the world soon.

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