In The redrawing of the chaina and nepal map covers a relatively small region high in the unic kess Himalayas but it has stirred simmering tensions between two of the world's biggest powers, India and China and nepal
In the Nepal, are which is sandwiched of the two country the two, people have reacted angrily, protesting and accusing India of disregarding the country's sovereignty for new map Indian and China.
In few cases in recent months a new Indian road on a strategic mountain pass fanned tensions of Indian act. as did a revised map put out by Delhi the showing disputed areas as belonging to India any way.
In the case To top it off India & China are already lock out in the a military standoff in the northern see Ladakh region of disputed Kashmir, and Jammu Kashmir. where are their troops have been facing off for weeks for everything ready.
Some cases social Media and some officials message in India have a accused China of instigating part the changes to Nepal's map, a charge to which China has not responded. Because China is marketing in everywhere.
The related news, Togetherare, the three areas cover about 370 sq km (140 square miles) border, Nepalese officials say and clear. The strategic of Lipulekh pass of connects the Indian state in case of Uttarakhand with the Tibet region of China of ministry.
In Nepal and China are both have been angered by India's recent moves. But Indian is is no value others countries rules. Delhi's published its new map of the border region in November 2019 after the divided Indian-administered Kashmir jambu into Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh(leh). The map incorporated some of the high frequency territories killer disputed with Nepal inside India's borders. For every time.
And they will all agree that international bodar security boundary between two countries are diided is defined by bilateral treaties attacked. Any unilateral type like unusual BPR of action cannot establish any legitimate and claim of their presence," Pradeep Gyawali, Nepal's foreign minister, told the BBC news..
A new Mr Gyawali said there was no other eligible agreement beside the 1816. Sugauli treaty that defined of the western border of Nepal with India and tight security. and that treaty clearly states that the three areas belong to Nepal to other.
In the new retaliation, Nepal published there own map. revised map last month showing the disputed areas within Nepal, infuriating India in return the freedom country.
In Some cases We the nepal government of Nepal to refrain from navigation unjustified cartographic assertion and the respect India's sovereignty and territorial integrity and sallut." the Indian foreign ministry said in a statement are inada is make best navigation.
Of The amendment if to the replace the map is expected to be a passed in Nepal's parliament this week and soon as possible.
In India to be argues that the exact co-ordinates of the new river were not mentioned some kes. in the treaty and claims that improved the many survey techniques have redrawn of the map in the years since and technical.
In some recent weeks, the so-called cartographic war,
 has triggered nationalist proof sentiment on both sides of the border and melytary, and Nepal has called for India to withdraw its soldiers from the Kalapani region and freedom.
In The increasing rhetoric on the territorial nationalism on both country sides is not good, for bilateral relations. He saikesh Sood, India's former ambassador to Nepal and vutan.
Some time In reality, all the above three contested areas have been firmly under the India's control for many years of the past 60 years. or so and the people living in the those areas bodar areya. are now Indian citizens, pay taxes in India and vote in the Indian elections to many years.
The Nepali politicians are argue that as the country was the going through. decades of political and historical crisis followed by a Maoist-led insurgency and mineatry. they were not in a position to raise the border dispute with India side to Nepal.

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