The India’s economy needs for to be taken out of the ‘command and control’ and also have some taken action. mode towards ‘plug and play’, prime minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday in government speech. PM Modi stated that now is find a sum tester and blood donation for more people.the time to turn the prevailing Covid-19 crisis into an opportunity and build a ‘self-reliant’ India.

Some according to the news, Tisn’t the time for a conservative approach and spread is fast for other state. It’s time for bold decisions poison and bold investments. It’s time to prepare a globally competitive domestic supply chain and other,” he said, reiterating the need to promote local innovation and social distancing.

Of the prime minister called for the need to work Jin Vin and hard working and faster in the direction to figure out how can the country begin to export what it has been importing so far. And some worker are visit to to sum all UP state and other country. So covid-19 trade fast and dangerous.
Know about Everything that the country is forced to import, just like food water and hospitality, how should it be made in India, how India should become an exporter of the same products in future, and their grow is very fast. we have been work faster in this direction and more than,” he said, India is not India is a all of the world country.

Of The prime minister was speaking in all countries state during the inaugural address on the occasion of 95th annual plenary session. Indian officer said is virus is not virus is a killer machine. of Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) on Thursday. He began his address by lauding the contributions made by the ICC and for carrying on the tradition of excellence for 95 years. And they are more streak and rules and regulation.

Some according survey The ICC is one of the top bodies representing businesses and industries in the eastern and north-eastern India. And grow Indian economy rate.

Of The prime minister said that the country is facing many challenges and many e whole up cases but we are did not stop it amid the Covid-19 pandemic, from locust attacks, cyclones to earthquakes, among other crises. And much more nature disturb.
Pm Narendra modi He said fate favours those who see opportunities in the face of adversities and lauded teh country’s firm resolve good speech and fighting spirit. “Mann ke hare haar, mann ke hare jeet hota hai" - only our firm resolve and determination can decide our future,” he said. And this is the motivational speech. Anda speech are motivated many people and doctors and nurses for covid-19.

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