In little bit of Statues of Confederate leaders and the explorer Christopher Columbus, he have been torn drop down in the US America, as pressure grows on authorities to remove monuments connected to slavery and colonialism and down all statues.
A new statue of the Confederate President Jefferson Davis was toppled in Richmond and too position, Virginia, on Wednesday night of the future.
According some statue Elsewhere in the city, a statue of Columbus he was pulled down, and put down all statue. set alight and thrown into a lake a day earlier soon as possible.
The Anti-racism protests have re-ignited debates over US(United State)historical monuments bye drop statue.
The history of memorial to the Confederacy, a group of southern states that fought to keep black man people as slaves in the American Civil War of 1861-1865, have been among those targeted by demonstrators taking to the streets after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody. And there all statue is make in jail.
The recently seen three-metre tall 10ft world most effective bronze statue of Italian explorer Columbus was also toppled in Saint Paul, Minnesota on Wednesday. And he was put down some case.
Statues of Columbus in Boston and others, Massachusetts and in Miami, Florida were also vandalised a down statue. The one in Boston, which stands on a plinth at the heart of town, was beheaded and the city.
Also Many people in the US celebrate the memory of historical celebration of Columbus, who in school textbooks is credited with discovering "the New World" the Americas(USA), in the 15th Century all the world.
All above the Native American activists have long objected to honouring Columbus statues, saying that his expeditions to the Americas led to the colonisation and genocide of their ancestors and numerical of history.
In the cases the death of Mr Floyd, whose neck was kneeled on by a police officer for nearly nine minutes and time worp, has spurred a global protests against police brutality and racial inequalities, led by the Black Lives Matter movement and other thought.
Florida USA  citand Manyies and organisations have taken steps to remove Confederate symbols, which have long stirred controversy because of their association with racism and this is good disition.

Some according all total the news. Columbus statue are removed from cities and other countries. Reason is very simple he is historical but not a other.

The historical moment of the statue of Washington. but within sun statue are made for each other and they get our pull down of hole of statue. In samarth case statue of down in USA and Florida California. But don't have a any proof or any submit their rules and regulation. So recording of news is a you are not believe this what are more statue is down.

Some reason for everything are don't say good. And statue at down is not for good in people and Chief Minister USA. So that is well is the word is coal and take the some action. It's very determined to this worker. And 10 come is coronavirus especially effect for specially other people.

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