Covid-19 attack after 3 month Narendra modi is said lockdown unlock. And its active cases is Maharashtra and Gujarat more than people active in this state. West Bengal cases increase and more than active cases. India is number 5 of virus attack. And good news is recovered stage is India biggest platform. After 8 June lockdown is open but there are some active cases if increase recently of one day 8000 cases in India more than other country.

Narendra Narendra modi is said virus attack are more than recover in India but active pressure is more than discharge and increase. After the end of lockdown open. But right now she is increase modi is decision lock down again for 5h lockdown. And he said also show in other state to visit other state.

But still now closed train and buses. But active Care is increase and increase no decrease. But India is our country is lockdown are no rules. Also people afraid and never rul follow. So so long is does not matter for India close coronavirus cases.

That is time India is footage of covid-19. Are Indian peoples are danger at this time. But still covid-19 attack are active is more for India. Very sad news Indian death more one day death r 850,

But good news is 150000 recover off coronavirus attack. And USA first country to to more than people attack 2 covid-19. Second is Italy, and third is Russia but India is high rank is long time. India now covid-19 at active cases v number.

Now India is 25 million peoples denger for covid-19 attack and 3 million peoples are already attacked on covid-19.  Now steel India is is danger period. But India is out of danger of recover people. Narendra modi help for USA coronavirus treatment. And USA to India for ventilation give us India.

Narendra modi has said lockdown steel and August and September but there are no active case is lockdown is closed but curfew is on mini time. But Narendra modi is tempted for Indian people are no rules follow in lockdown period. Everyone visit every place and no rules follow a social distancing.

But still covid-19 attack is increase in all of world. Everyone don't know what is future but there are people are also follow rules and social distance can stop covid-19 attack and sprayed. Covid-19 spade human to human body and social distancing is covid-19 antibody. But some public are are not follow the rules bhoot cases alok down are more period.

But India is better than in other country for recover. So now this social according are Narendra modi is lockdown is still direction. But there are some no active case India is good for covid-19 and world record ine in whole world for recover active cases. For more information visit us live status all world.

Recover and active cases

India recover more people 3 million but recover is 1.39 million. India is whole world is active case and recover are not same. But India is active is increase. but don't worry India is strong country is whole world I know America is best of udit and Alka all of. India is more than people and India is jugaad. So this active cases is recently closed for India I hope. Now are some according to to India is 5th place of world.

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